About Us


Know Us

Our minds at ELECTRIKEZ break their heads, so you don’t have to. From the battery power to the regenerative breaking ability of an electric vehicle, we will provide you with valuable details so that you can make a better choice. While providing the best solutions, we will also share some limitations and things to look out for when making your EV purchase. With a team of passionate young individuals and wise old veterans, we take into consideration every buyer’s perspective while sharing our thoughts. Find out which are the hottest-selling EV brands, if the big names are worth investing in, or if you can trust the upcoming new EV startup ventures. For a country that has been long awaiting its growth in this sector, the time has finally come, and Electrikez is now here to help you go Electric too.

CAGR for EV Growth till 2030.
Charging Stations Across the Country
Tones of CO2 Can be Reduced
Annual EV Sales by 2030

Deepak Chauhan


Hey there, Deepak Chauhan here! I consider myself a true believer in the power of electric vehicles (EVs) and their potential to transform the way we move around. As the proud owner of an electric scooter, I can personally attest to the joys of zero-emission, hassle-free transportation. I truly believe that the future of mobility is electric, and the world is poised to embrace this shift in a big way.

Our Team

Amandeep Singh


Hi there! My name is Amandeep Singh and I am a true electric vehicle (EV) enthusiast. Ever since I got my hands on my first EV bike, I’ve been hooked! There’s just something so exhilarating about the instant torque and eco-friendly driving experience. Over the years, I’ve expanded my EV collection to include both bikes and cars, and I love nothing more than test-driving the latest models and sharing my insights with others.
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